Simple macOS trojan

Attack tree

1 Backdoor (AND/OR)
2 Keylogger (AND/OR)
3 Password recovery tool (AND)
4 Make simple trojan (AND)
    4.1 Evil file
        4.1.1 Configure evil file to download and execute a normal file (AND)
        4.1.2 Compile and change icon (in Cocoa) (AND)
        4.1.3 Configure to run silently (add key and value in info.plist)
    4.2 Embed code (usestager osx/macro)
4 Deliver payload (AND)
5 Listen and post exploitation


Preview document icons

Problem: macOS “finder ready” icons give a preview of the document file.

Solution: Make them yourself with screenshots. My assumption is that developers running Linux for developing apps will buy a Mac just for creating some icon files. Converters will exist, that can also make “finder ready” icons from png images.

New problem:

  • The Iconvert icons website is not found (is either down or has been removed).

  • The page for downloading the demo version of it on Softpedia and the Internet Archive are an archeological site with empty download (so we can all remember its existence).

  • The icnsutils package, which contains png2icns and icns2png, does not do “finder ready” .icns, so the results are squared. Useful for building app Trojans for iPhones for example, but not for preview pdf icons.

  • GIMP no longer has built-in support for creating .icns and the GIMP registry is no longer maintained which means that finding plugins can be quite the challenge.

  • I found the Gimp Mac Helper, but it is old and specifically mentions supporting GIMP 2.

  • There are free tools on the Apple Store that can do it, but one has to sign up for an Apple Account and provide credit card information (something I efinitely do not want to provide to anyone on the Internet (or phone for that matter))

Solution: Use old version of Image2Icon - - Download on the macOS, drop in the .png and use the export to icns (not using any templates)
